Lafayette High School

Congratulations to select members of the Lafayette High School Choir on the honors they received at today's MSHSL Vocal Solo & Ensemble Competition held in East Grand Forks!
Superior Ratings (**) went to the following musicians:
1) Hayden Shulstad for his solo of "The Stars Are With the Voyager"
2) Esme' Pearson for her solo of "Star Vicino"
3) SATB Performance of "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel" by:
Miley Cota, Gavin Girdler, Jacob Harmoning, MaKenna Hoefer, Kylie Klipping, Coby Knott, Elizabeth Lytle, Shandi Nelson, Kayla Schafer, Kegan Schmitz, Brock Seeger
4) Esme' Pearson & Amelia Warne for their duet "The Rivers Are Running Again"
5) SAB Performance of "A Distant Shore" by:
Marley Benoit, Bridget Hicks, Ayashe Lajimodiere, Esme' Pearson, Hayden Shulstad and Amelia Warne
6) Bridget Hicks & Ayashe Lajimodiere for their duet "The Clouds"
Excellent Rating (*) went to the following musicians:
SSA Performance of "If We Hold On Together" by:
Miley Cota, MaKenna Hoefer, Kylie Klipping, Elizabeth Lytle, Shandi Nelson, Kayla Schafer, Ava Seeger & Halle Seeger
Independent School District #630 is an equal opportunity provider and employer
Lafayette High School
404 Champagne Ave.
P.O. Box 399
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
Phone: 253-2163
Fax: 218-253-4480
Red Lake Falls School District
404 Champagne Ave.
P.O. Box 399
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
Phone No: 253-2139
Fax: 218-253-2135
School Bus Garage: 253-2789
JA Hughes Elementary School
601 1st Street, NE
P.O. Box 7
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
Phone Number : 253-2161
Fax: 218-253-4479